The Excellent Executive – Master Complexity, Achieve Excellence

The Excellent Executive

About Hauke

Hauke Borow is a certified Executive Coach and Trainer serving CEOs and executives on achieving longterm sustainable growth and success. He is recognized for his focus on practical insights and applicable tools for achieving real measurable results. After having held management and executive positions as industrial engineer in the capital goods industry for +20 years,
Hauke is now sharing his vast experience about how to become an effective executive in highly complex environments.

His specialty is dealing with all sorts of strategic development processes and complex corporate development projects. Today, he uses all the fascinating insights of his professional work with project managers, knowledge workers and executives to move organizations forward.

“I am an expert in dealing with complexity. I have always been an efficient problem solver, and now I solve the leadership and management problems encountered every day by dozens of worldwide executives.”

Hauke Borow

Reprogram Your Brain for Success


Achieving success as an executive is all about having the right mindset. Hauke ​​​​Borow is trained in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a coaching technique based on cybernetics and systems theory that effectively replaces ineffective mental models and behavioral patterns with more effective and resilient ones.

Through NLP based Executive Coaching and Training, Hauke ​​empowers executives with deep insights into communication, mindset and the leadership craft itself. The goal is to break down the mental barriers holding executives back so they can become more competent, confident and assertive.

Learn to deal with complexity and excel as a leader

Your success as an executive depends on your ability to deal with the increasing complexity of contemporary business. You need in-depth understanding of complex subject matter like systems theory, cybernetics, effective communication, management and leadership. The right mentor is your short cut to success. Take action today and become a great leader tomorrow: